2 complete sessions. Russell Hemmings uses the latest hypnotherapy techniques to help you achieve amazing weight loss results through the power of the mind. Portion control is one of the key reasons for weight gain and on this download Russell unlocks your ability to self-regulate and reduce your food intake to a manageable size. Featuring ultra relaxing music, a short introduction explaining how hypnosis works and a full portion control hypnotherapy session, it allows you access to Russell's ground breaking techniques whenever you need to top up your will power.
Both sessions feature ultra relaxing background music, a short introduction explaining how hypnotherapy works and a full Self Hypnosis and full Portion Control hypnotherapy session. What's included in the sessions:
Self Hypnosis
1. Introduction to hypnotherapy
2. Russell Hemmings Self Hypnosis hypnotherapy
Portion Control
3. Introduction to Portion Control
4. Russell Hemmings Portion Control hypnotherapy