Stop Binge Eating SKU: 145695

Instant download. 2 complete hypnosis sessions with Russell Hemmings. Learn to relax and how you will Stop Binge Eating once and for all. This high quality audio presentation features ultra relaxing background music coupled with the soothing and relaxing voice of Russell Hemmings.


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Welcome to the Stop Binge Eating Hypnosis Session with Russell Hemmings

Put yourself on the road to change today

Binge eating is an eating disorder where the sufferer feels compelled to consume large amounts of food in a short space of time. Binges are often planned and may consist of special ‘binge food’.

Bingeing, like anorexia and bulimia, is often linked to low-mood, anxiety and feelings of low self-esteem. Unusually, it affects men and women equally and bingers use their eating as a way of controlling the feelings that they are having trouble dealing with. The eating is often secretive and takes place in private with sufferers feeling they have no control over their behavior and in the aftermath of a binge session, many have feelings of self-disgust and loathing. However, unlike anorexics or bulimics, binge eaters do not purge (vomit) after they have eaten.

Russell Hemmings’ expertise in dealing with this sensitive issue is recognized worldwide. His specialist stop binge eating hypnosis programme has helped to change the lives of so many sufferers and now you too can find the support you need to gain that inner strength to walk away from temptation.

What's included:

Complete Self Hypnosis hypnotherapy session - please listen to this session prior to listening to your Stop Binge Eating session, this prepares you and gets you accustomed to the enjoyable and relaxed hypnosis state.

  • Introduction to Stop Binge Eating hypnotherapy from Russell Hemmings
  • A full Stop Binge Eating hypnotherapy session with Russell Hemmings

Fully supported service, any issues or questions - please get in touch.